CoolPeel in Scottsdale

Reveal healthier, younger-looking skin


Inside Out Aesthetics is excited to offer Coolpeel in Scottsdale.

CoolPeel® is a brand new way to safely, and comfortably deliver the benefits of a traditional CO2 resurfacing treatment.  By targeting just the superficial layer of skin tissue, damaged skin is removed revealing younger and healthier looking skin.

CoolPeel treatments are used to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, and large pores.

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Consultation Required

We always start with a consultation for any new patient before beginning a treatment plan. During your consultation, we will review your medical history, listen to your goals, and address questions you have before determining your individual treatment plan. We offer complimentary consultations in our office and online through our virtual consultation tool.

Treatment Duration

Treatment may take anywhere from 45 min to 1 hour, depending on the area or areas being treated.

Number of Sessions Needed

Typically a series of 3 is recommended, however the number depends on your skin type and concerns. We will determine your course of treatment during your appointment to make sure you obtain the best results from the CoolPeel.


One of the major benefits of the CoolPeel treatment is minimal downtime. For a few days, you can expect a little redness, like a sunburn, but you can return to your normal activities without discomfort. You may experience dry or scaly skin afterward, so stay hydrated!

Duration of Results

You will begin to notice the amazing effects of CoolPeel within ten days of treatment. One of the benefits of this treatment is that results continue to improve over the next 3-6 months as the deeper layer of the skin continues to heal and improve.


You will notice a dramatic improvement in your skin within 10 days of CoolPeel treatment. Over the next 3-6 months, you will continue to see progressive improvement from CoolPeel as the deeper layers of your skin continue to heal. Depending on your age, skin type, and skin condition, the results of CoolPeel can last for years.


A CoolPeel treatment can help:

  • Sun damage
  • Acne scars
  • Large pores
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

Who is a good candidate?

You are a good candidate for a CoolPeel® laser treatment if you are looking to reduces the appearance of fine lines and sun damage, minimize pores and improves skin texture. Your skin will look healthier and younger.

Please let your provider know of about active or past medical history prior to your treatment and any medications you may take, as these may affect your treatment and/or results.

How it works


CO2 lasers are the gold standard in treating wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balance tone. Damaged skin tissue is removed, or ablated, stimulating new collagen production and heat energy is delivered to tighten the skin.

Many advances have been made to improve the side effects of CO2 treatments but ONLY the CoolPeel® can deliver a fractional ablative treatment without the downtime. There is minimal risk of hyperpigmentation, demarcation or induced infection.

Get Started Today!

We offer a virtual consultation to help determine which treatments would be best for you!

If you’d prefer to come in for your consultation, call (480) 307-9901 or text (480) 210-7136 to set up an appointment.

Virtual Consultation

Before & After Results




How soon can I return to work after CoolPeel treatment?

The best thing about CoolPeel treatments is that they can be customized to how much downtime you desire. In other words, the aggressiveness of the CoolPeel treatment can be controlled. If you are willing to experience a little more downtime, the CoolPeel treatment can be made more aggressive for more dramatic results. On the other hand, if you want little to no downtime, the CoolPeel treatment can be scaled down to a lower setting.

Is anesthesia or numbing required?

While there is no need for anesthesia or localized numbing, your provider may use a numbing cream for additional comfort.

When can I return to my skincare routine?

After your CoolPeel® treatment, it is important to keep your skin hydrated and there may be certain products you should avoid. Talk to your provider about the best post-treatment care and when you can return to your daily skincare regimen.