ResurFX Laser Skin Resurfacing in Scottsdale

Get Clearer, Younger-Looking Skin!


The Lumenis ResurFX in Scottsdale, at Inside Out Aesthetics, is the latest in non-ablative skin resurfacing.

It allows for a comfortable, fast treatment with remarkable results. This treatment works to stimulate the production of new collagen, remove sun damage and skin discoloration, resulting in a more even-looking and youthful appearance in skin tone and texture.

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Consultation Required

We always start with a consultation for any new patient before beginning a treatment plan. During your consultation, we will review your medical history, listen to your goals, and address questions you have before determining your individual treatment plan. We offer complimentary consultations in our office and online through our virtual consultation tool.

Treatment Duration

1.5 hours

Number of Sessions Needed

The Lumenis® ResurFX treatment works with your skin to stimulate deep collagen regeneration over a sequence of treatments. Typically, about 3 sessions are needed to see a visible improvement in the skin texture. Although, after the first treatment, you may notice changes in pore dimensions.


You may notice redness, similar to a sunburn or swelling after treatment. This is normal. You may return to normal activities the day after your procedure. Recovery time is short and relatively comfortable. Avoid sun exposure before and after treatment and wear sunscreen.

Duration of Results

Typically, results are achieved after 3-5 sessions in 4-5 weeks intervals. However, you may continue to see improvements for up to six months following the treatment.


You will notice fresher, younger-looking skin. This treatment can reduce brown spots, scars, wrinkles, and signs of aging.


ResurFX Laser Skin Resurfacing can help: improve skin discoloration/brown spots, diminish stretch marks, fade acne scars, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How it works

ResurFX Laser Skin Resurfacing

ResurFX is a non-ablative laser, which means it stimulates the skin to develop collagen without harming or ablating your skin. As collagen increases, the skin looks tighter and more even.

ResurFX is also a fractional laser, which means the laser is delivered to the skin in tiny dots, only a fraction of the skin. The ResurFX requires only one pass over the skin to produce effective results, which reduces treatment time. We first apply a numbing cream to the area, and during the procedure, use a cool fan to keep you comfortable.

Get Started Today!

We offer a virtual consultation to help determine which treatments would be best for you!

If you’d prefer to come in for your consultation, call (480) 307-9901 or text (480) 210-7136 to set up an appointment.

Virtual Consultation


How long does ResurFX last?

After you finish the recommended number of treatments, your results can last up to two years. You'll have longer-lasting results if you take good care of your skin by avoiding sun exposure, using a good sunscreen, and sticking to a good skincare regimen at home.

What is ResurFX?

Lumenis® ResurFX IPL technology removes unwanted pigmentation and blood vessels from the skin, while stimulating the production of new collagen and elastic fibers in the deeper layers of the skin. Stimulating new collagen production is the key to more radiant, youthful-looking skin.

Does ResurFX laser hurt?

ResurFX is a fast and easy treatment. A typical facial treatment takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Patients receive topical numbing prior to treatment, and forced air cooling is used during treatment, making ResurFX very easy to tolerate.